10002 Aurora Ave N., PMB 1186, Seattle, WA 98133 |Phone 206-841-2585 | Fax 206-706-7825|email@GreenEarthSeattle.com

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Tips On Being Green
We all leave a carbon footprint on the planet...

As our daily lives seem busier than ever, most of us can get overwhelmed by being told of changes that we can make in the way we live in our daily environments.  If each person just changed a few things, we would all make a huge impact on reducing carbon emissions and excess waste.  We can all collectively help produce a change in the way that many large companies do business. We have seen it with organic produce and other more natural organic groceries. Ten years ago we did not see as much organic produce and other organic, healthier groceries available in the larger grocery chain stores.  People have demanded healthier options. The more options that are available, the more affordable and accessible these options become.


Ways that we try to be green in the office

  • Re-use office paper by printing on the other side for interoffice documents

  • Purchase only acid free recycled paper for everyday photo copies

  • Use of recycled, brown paper large document envelopes

  • Offering invoices by email

  • Limit mailings by inserting occasional small flyers with our billing invoices

  • Using energy star light bulbs as much as possible. LED bulbs do not contain mercury

  • Turning off computers and monitors over nights and weekends whenever possible

Personally, things we can all think about

  • Buy locally produced goods as much as possible. This cuts down on carbon emissions and helps support your local economy
  • Are you in the market for a new car? Consider a slightly used car with efficient fuel economy
  • Buy organic food and other organic products as much as you can
  • Buy organic or shade grown coffee whenever possible. The production of this coffee is much better for the eco system and better for you
  • Reuse cloth or other strong bags at the grocery and other retail stores. Keep bags in the trunk of the car (we love our Trader Joe's bags, they are very strong and sturdy). If you forgot your bags, ask for paper bags whenever possible. Plastic bags have accumulated rapidly in landfills and they are going to be here for a long time. Also, plastic anything uses a large amount of petroleum to produce. When petroleum use is reduced, pollution is less and energy costs come down .When you do get plastic bags, reuse them as much as possible
  • Support companies that are trying to make a difference environmentally.
  • Consider purchasing more products sold in metal or glass containers.
  • Reuse a non bacterial metal or plastic drinking bottle. Refill with a larger plastic water container that you can refill or at the filtered tap
  • Reuse containers and reduce consumption waste. Ask yourself, "Does that product that I want to buy really need to be packaged in all that plastic?"and "Do I really need it?"
  • Wrap your water heater in a special made blanket that you can find at your local hardware store to  insulate, save energy and save money on the electric bill.
  • Take shorter showers and conserve water use in the kitchen and garden whenever possible
  • Use cold water and biodegradalbe, phosphate and petrochemical free soap for laundry
  • Use more natural, biodegradable cleaning products. Try this: In the microwave, heat one to two ounces of lemon juice and two cups of water in a microwave safe bowl for two to three minutes. Wait ten minutes, open the door and dunk a cloth in bowl and wipe out microwave. Amazing, non-toxic results!
  • Use more natural soaps for hands, hair and body. Antibacterial soaps aren't as good as you may think. They contain pesticide based chemicals which can eliminate beneficial bacteria on the skin and are not healthy for the human body or the environment
  • Unplug chargers and small appliances that aren't being used. They drain electricity from the wall sockets as they drain money from your bank account
  • Keep the thermostat between  65-68 degrees and wear layers in the winter months
  • If you are considering vinyl siding for your home, research the harmful poisons that are put into the enviroment either by manufacturing or eliminating vinyl siding

If everyone just took a moment to ask themselves, "Is this the best choice for me, my enviroment, my family or my community?", a huge shift would take place and everyone will eventually benefit by way of more quality goods and services and a healthier, happier economy, environment and eco system.

coming soon...